All about ‘BURNOUT’, Burnout signs & recovery

Having a healthy lifestyle is having healthy daily habits including external body and internal mental health. Hi Well New Zealand, we are here as a healthy supporter to provide lots of useful information you can add to your daily routine based on your health concerns.

As our lives go too busy and fast in modern society, we sometimes hard to take a rest and a step back to get energy and allow our bodies to recover. A work-life balance is crucial in allowing yourselves time and opportunity to rest and replenish energy to go on.

If you are a person who burns out easily, this blog will be very useful for you.

Stress vs. burnout

We can easily confuse between STRESS and BURNOUT. Stress is the emotional or physical tension caused by too much demand or pressure in daily life, including work, money, relationships, and diseases.
Burnout refers to a state of physical and emotional fatigue that cannot cope with long or repeated stress.

Burnout signs & symptoms

Physical symptoms

Burnout may cause tightness and tension in your muscles, headaches, stomachaches, or intestinal issues.

Emotional exhaustion

Burnout leads to people feeling tired or drained most of the time,  helpless, overwhelmed, trapped or defeated, detached or alone in the world, having a cynical or negative outlook, and Self-doubt.

Work-related stress

Alienation from work-related activities, lack of motivation, lack of pleasure in your job, lack of belief in your ability to complete tasks, low self-esteem, a sense of inefficacy, and reduced performance can be symptoms of job burnout.

Burnout recovery

Control your stress levels 

Control your stress levels by talking to people you trust. Struggling through burnout alone can make overcoming it more difficult. Engaging a trusted loved one can help you feel supported and less lonely.

Charge your energy 

Burnout can make you demotivation and disengagement, here are some tips to take back control.

-You should make a list of all the jobs you have to do and prioritize them, set aside less important tasks.

-Don’t bring work home and get off work! After work, a home should be a place to recharge and relax for the next day rather than keep thinking about work.

Setting Limits

Overwhelm can happen when you have too many commitments. 

Setting the boundaries is not a lazy thing! When you have a space for extra tasks you are welcome to do that, but if you take excessive work more than your capacity, it will make you exhausted and burn out.

Take a break & do things that make you feel happy

Taking a rest will help alleviate the strain and give your body and mind the time to relax and regain energy. Focus on the positive things in your life, that will make you happy. Take responsibility for your own happiness.

Daily recovery

Make changes to your daily routine and habits for a healthy lifestyle forward.
Build your healthy daily routine starting from morning to night, like a morning walk, daily meditation, regular exercise, reducing caffeine, and get help from health supplements to boost your energy.

Recommended products for burnout


Vitamin B for your mood, stress, and energy booster

Lack of vitamin B12 can lead to depression, as it can support the brain to produce mood-boosting.

Vitamin C for stress

Vitamin C is known for supporting general health. Sufficient Vitamin C may support better management of the mental and physical signs of burnout when under pressure. 

Omega 3

DHA and EPA in Omega3 have lots of potential benefits including mood regulation. Also, higher levels of stress exhaust the brain’s reserves of omega-3s because the body releases them into the bloodstream to provide extra energy when a fight or flight reaction is triggered. Keep enough omega3 in your body!

Royal Jelly

Royal jelly contains a bioactive component in the form of 10-HDA that can help reduce oxidative stress. Royal jelly may support reducing depression-like behaviour through possible effects on adrenal steroid production.


A large amount of protein in spirulina has many positive benefits to your mind. It contains tryptophan, a precursor to serotonin. This means that Spirulina can help calm you down or lift you up.

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The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Hi Well Healthcare is not responsibly liable for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information services or products that you obtain through this website.


Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2006). Burnout. Stress and quality of working life: current perspectives in occupational health37, 42-49.
A. Mustika Fadillah Rizki, Andi Nilawati Usman, Indah Raya,  Aliyah, Andi Dirpan, Aryadi Arsyad, Fendi Fendi, Andi Sumidarti, (2021). Effect of royal jelly to deal with stress oxidative in preconception women: A literature review Pages S288-S290.
Amir Mohammad Ghorbanpour, Meysam Saboor, Reza Panahizadeh, Hakimeh Saadati, Masoomeh Dadkhah. (2021) Combined effects of royal jelly and environmental enrichment against stress-induced cognitive and behavioral alterations in male rats: behavioral and molecular studiesNutritional Neuroscience 0:0, pages 1-12. [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Depression: What is burnout? [Updated 2020 Jun 18]. Available from:

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