

Unveiling the Power of Green-Lipped Mussel: Exploring Oil and Powder Supplements for Joint Health

Green-lipped mussel from New Zealand is a powerful source of nutrition and medicine due to its natural habitat. This article explores green-lipped mussel supplements, including oil and powder forms, and their ability to improve joint health. Origins and Extraction: The Maori people have revered the green-lipped mussel, scientifically known as Perna canaliculus, …

How to choose the right Green Mussel supplement

With a unique dark brown or dark green shell with green lips around the edges are New Zealand’s green-lipped mussel found all around the mainland. Hi Well mussel supplements use extracted green-lipped mussels which contain a combination of dozens of natural oils, sterols, esters, and omega-3 fatty acids. Oil extracted …

Most Important Vitamins for Exercising

Have you been working hard at the gym in an effort to achieve muscle gain? That’s a great first step in your fitness journey, but you also have to focus on both muscle recovery and feeding your body the supplements it needs in order to keep improving. Working out, and …

Best Foods to keep your Joints Healthy!

For Healthy Joints Having a healthy diet is an essential part of your daily life to maintain a good healthy lifestyle. For our health, we need to pay more attention to inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a vital part of the body's immune response. As it can lead to or contribute to …
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