Hi Well Premium New Zealand Protein Powder with Goat Milk is ideal for families. It is an excellent natural source of protein and calcium made with the purest ingredients from New Zealand.
About NZ Protein Powder Goat Milk

Hi Well Protein Powder contains grass-fed colostrum
The cream and milk that we use to create our products are sourced from dairy farms that operate on a pastoral (grass-fed) basis.
This means that all dairy cows have daily access to pasture all year-round.
Grass-fed benefits
- High quality
- Taste better & More nutritious
- Less saturated fatty acids & More unsaturated fatty acids
- Have a higher proportion of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)

Hi Well Protein Powder contains premium grade New Zealand goat milk.
It is an excellent natural source of protein and calcium made with the purest ingredients from New Zealand.
High in protein & source calcium.

Recommended for

- Daily protein boost
- Breakfast, lunch, or dinner
- Before or after exercise
- Suitable to use in cooking or baking
How to use

- Add approximately 30g (2 levelled scoops) powder into 200ml of water or other beverage
- Stir or shake well to dissolve
- Drink immediately or refrigerate to consume within 24hours
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