Hi Well Manuka Honey is packed in the Plateau Volcanic Highlands, in the Whanganui region of central New Zealand’s North Island.
Produced by the best combination of high altitude, optimal weather, and volcanic soil, it is rich in “Leptosperum Scoparium” and has no other source of honey that can contaminate or dilute manuka honey. It is mono-floral, meaning it is honey from only manuka flowers allowing absolutely pure manuka honey to be harvested. and Hi Well honey beekeepers call it a true honey masterpiece.
Manuka honey is murky and darker in color, has less moisture than ordinary honey, so it is high in viscosity like caramel, and does not flow like water because it is much more viscous. This creates our Hi Well’s Manuka Honey a premium product.
New Zealand Manuka honey contains natural antibacterial substances and helps with sore throat, gastrointestinal health, strengthening immunity, oral hygiene, skin wound recovery and treatment, digestive system and reflux esophagitis. The antibacterial effect of Manuka honey is much greater than that of regular honey, so it can heal wounds. For this reason, when consumed, it is effective against indigestion (proliferation of Bifidobacteria) as well as internal diseases such as gastritis and stomach ulcers.
MGO (methylglyoxal, natural antibiotic): Measures the content of methylglyoxal (MGO), which destroys Helicobacter pylori (a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer, and does not die even with strong stomach acid), staphylococci, and bacteria. The MGO level is the number of MGO per kilo. If it is an MGO 830+ product, it indicates that 830 mg of methylglyoxal is included per kilo of honey.
UMF (Unique Manuka Factor): A value is established by measuring four ingredients: MGO, Leptosperin, DHA (dihydroxyacetone), and HMF (acidity, freshness). Hi Well’s Premium Manuka Honey is now UMF licensed and proudly certified.
By following our simple advice, you will be able to achieve a good balance between staying healthy and being able to focus on your work.
We ‘Hi Well’ are always here to support your health for a better life.
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