If you want to purchase HI WELL Products in
New Zealand & Rest of regions
South Korea
New Zealand & Rest of regions
Health NZ is our official retailer in New Zealand. You can buy our products at online and offline Health NZ stores. And if you want to get our products in other regions except South Korea.
- 09) 444 1200
- www.healthnewzealand.co.nz
- Health NZ Branches : Auckland CBD, Albany, Glenfield, Howick, Henderson
- @health_nz_official
- facebook.com/health_nz_official
Hi Well Guarantee!
Hi Well Healthcare products are known for high quality products. Hi Well Healthcare is faced with illegal distributed products and the imitation products that are not genuine. Hi Well Healthcare attach Hi Well guarantee stickers on a box and deliver it to consumer safely by selected overseas courier and take responsibility.
Please note we DO NOT have any responsibility of illegal distributed products and the imitation products that have not been shipped from Hi Well Healthcare Limited.
We will make every effort to provide better health food safely.
You can visit Hi Well Official Brand Store at Amazon. We deliver the products by DHL Express within 3-7 working days from New Zealand to USA.
Hi Well Guarantee!
Hi Well Healthcare products are known for high quality products. Hi Well Healthcare is faced with illegal distributed products and the imitation products that are not genuine. Hi Well Healthcare attach Hi Well guarantee stickers on a box and deliver it to consumer safely by selected overseas courier and take responsibility.
Please note we DO NOT have any responsibility of illegal distributed products and the imitation products that have not been shipped from Hi Well Healthcare Limited.
We will make every effort to provide better health food safely.
您可以访问天猫国际店铺 Hi Well海外旗舰店. 配送分为保税仓发货和新西兰直邮两种方式.
保税仓发货:使用菜鸟物流合作快递公司, 2-3天送达
直邮发货:使用顺丰国际速运或者EMS, 15-20天送达
您可以访问京东全球购店铺 Hi Well海外旗舰店. 京东宁波保税仓发货,使用京东物流, 2-3天送达.
您可访问新浪微博 新西兰Hi Well健康,了解更多品牌动态.
Hi Well 承诺
随着新西兰Hi Well品牌的发展壮大,市场上出现越来越多的仿冒商品及不法分销商扰乱市场秩序。 为解决此类问题,Hi Well使用在政府监管下的RMP仓库作为仓储、配送服务,从工厂到到客户,为海外消费者构建安全、安心的配送服务系统。 Hi Well无法为非官方渠道购买的产品做出品质保证承诺,请通过官方渠道购买,谢谢!
South Korea
You can buy the products at Hi Well Korea Official Store, other distributors, Hyundai department store, Incheon International Airport Duty-Free Shops(Lotte, The Shilla, WalkerHill), Inflight Duty-Free Shops(Korean Air, Asiana Airlines).
- +82 2 701 8282
- hiwellkorea.co.kr
- @hiwellkorea_official
Hi Well Guarantee!
하이웰 제품이 고품질의 건강식품으로 알려지면서 정품이 아닌 유사품 및 불법 유통 제품들이 발생하여 문제가 되고 있습니다.
이를 해결하고자 공장에서부터 뉴질랜드 정부에서 관리하는 RMP 창고 출고까지, 해외 소비자분들께 안전하고 빠르게 전달하기 위한 하이웰 안심 배송 시스템을 구축하였습니다.
모든 하이웰 제품은 배송 시 박스 위에 하이웰 안심 배송 시스템 스티커를 부착 후 지정된 해외 택배사를 이용하여 안전하게 소비자분들께 전달합니다.
하이웰 본사 및 공식 판매처의 안심 배송 시스템을 통해 배송하지 않은 불법 유통 제품이나 유사품에 대하여서는 책임질 수 없음을 양해 부탁드립니다.
하이웰 임직원은 더 좋은 건강식품을 안전하게 제공할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.